Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Community Liaison Officers (CLOs)

On your scholarship application it says to contact your CLO for recommendation and comments. What exactly does that mean?

A CLO is an APICDA representative that works as a liason between community residents and APICDA's HR department. A CLO can assist you with the various programs APICDA offers. They can tell you what job openings APICDA has and help you decide which scholarship to apply for. CLOs also works with the teachers to brainstorm and develop proposals for the school grant that APICDA offers each year.

As a scholarship applicant you need to contact your CLO to verify your eligiblity for the scholarship you are apply for. The CLO will review your application packet to ensure it is complete. Once your applicaiton is complete you or the CLO will mail in your application to HR. The CLO will also send in their recommendation of funding for you.

Community Liaison Officers For Each APICDA Community

Akutan-April Pelkey
Atka-Lawrence Prokopueff
False Pass-Gilda Shellikoff
Nelson Lagoon-Nanette Johnson
Nikolski-Arnold Dushkin
St. George-Victor Malavansky
Unalaska-Harriet Berikoff

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